
James Birren Leading a GAB Class

The Birren Center for Autobiographical Studies extends the legacy of Dr. James E. Birren (1918-2016), a pioneering scholar in gerontology, who dedicated his entire career to advancing the field of aging. In the 1970s, at the University of Southern California (USC), where he founded the first graduate school of gerontology in the nation, he developed the protocol for a program known as Guided Autobiography (GAB).

James Birren Writing in Notebook

Grounded in life review and reminiscence, Guided Autobiography emerged in educational and research activities to explore issues shaping adult development. Dr. Birren authored three books on Guided Autobiography, numerous articles, and conducted research projects to delve into the processes and effects of GAB.

Listen to the Interview

Listen to the short interview on the history of Cheryl Svensson’s involvement with GAB and Jim Birren.