Our Team

  • Cheryl Svensson. Ph.D. - Director - Laguna Woods, California

    Cheryl Svensson. Ph.D. - Director - Laguna Woods, California

    Cheryl Svensson has been involved in the field of aging since she graduated from the first Masters in Gerontology program at the University of Southern California (USC) in 1977 and later completed her Ph.D. at the University of Lund, Sweden. She worked closely with Dr. James Birren, founding Dean of the Davis School of Gerontology at USC, and is the Director of the Birren Center for Autobiographical Studies. The Birren Center is dedicated to researching and developing programs to help people write and share their life stories. She has taught Guided Autobiography (GAB) at USC, UCLA, CSUF, libraries, and senior and assisted living centers. In 2009 she created a live, interactive online training course to teach students how to become GAB instructors; there are now nearly 700 GAB instructors in 32 countries. She is the co-author with Richard Campbell of the book, Writing Your Legacy: The step-by-step guide to crafting your life story and Bonnie Bernell, Uncovering the Treasures that Matter. She’s passionate about writing and sharing life stories. Cheryl makes her home bi-continentally - living in the fast lane in southern California and in the bike lane in Sweden. You may reach her at cheryl.svensson@gmail.com.

  • Leigh Morrow - Vice President - Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

    Leigh Morrow - Vice President - Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

    Leigh Morrow is a former radio and television investigative reporter (CBC, Global, City TV). With a degree in journalism and more than 27 years in media, she helped tens of hundreds of people tell their stories through interviewing, researching and digging deep for many award-winning investigative pieces. When she retired from professional broadcast journalism, she wrote a book for women in their middle years, and wanted to help others tell their Life Stories. Leigh became certified by the Birren Center for Autobiographical Studies in California 2017 to teach and train students in the guided autobiography method, and now teaches both in-person and online courses from several of her favourite places in the world.


    Certified GAB Instructor

    GAB Instructor Trainer, Retired Entrepreneur, Journalist

  • Sheri Kohlman

    Sheri Kohlmann - Treasurer - Mission Viejo, California

    Sheri has been teaching Guided Autobiography since 2011 and is now training and certifying new GAB Instructors worldwide through The Birren Center. She helps people reflect upon their lives and write, share, and preserve the most significant moments of their lives. Her passion for this work was sparked by her time as a paralegal at an estate planning law firm and by a little history book published by her mother’s family in 1929. As an estate planning paralegal, she discovered that inheriting wealth without learning the history and values that created it can often be more of a curse than a blessing and started to search for ways to connect traditional estate planning with personal legacy planning. She found Guided Autobiography and has never looked back. Through classes, workshops, and retreats, she guides people through the meaningful process of writing their life stories and sharing with loved ones and future generations. Sheri and her husband live in Southern California. They have four sons, one daughter and twelve perfect grandkids.

  • Sarah White - Secretary - Madison, Wisconsin

    Sarah White - Secretary - Madison, Wisconsin

    Sarah White is a freelance writer and personal historian who helps people write about their lives and work as a developmental editor, writing coach, and ghostwriter. She teaches reminiscence writing, creative nonfiction, and writing craft. Sarah holds a Journalism degree from Indiana University and an MFA-Creative Nonfiction from the University of King's College. She has taught Guided Autobiography workshops since 2004. Instructor, "Find Your Students, Fill Your Classes" for Birren Center.

  • Heidi Thorsen - Poulsbo, Washington

    Heidi Thorsen - Poulsbo, Washington

    Heidi embarked on her Guided Autobiography (GAB) journey in 2015, becoming a certified instructor. Starting with workshops at home, she expanded to lead groups at libraries, churches, retirement centers, family retreats, and online, including international destination retreats. Currently, Heidi instructs in the GAB Instructor certificate program at the Birren Center. With a career in education spanning public and private schools, from middle school to adult students, she developed skills in curriculum development and teaching. Heidi witnessed the power of storytelling in her classrooms, fostering engagement and friendships. Today, through GAB classes, she continues to witness the transformative impact of sharing life stories. Apart from GAB, Heidi enjoys culinary adventures, gardening, reading, traveling, fitness, and cherishing moments with her three young adult children. As a Birren Center Board member, she aims to honor the legacy of Dr. James Birren and Dr. Cheryl Svensson by nurturing GAB's growth and connecting with diverse perspectives in life.

    GAB Certified Instructor and Trainer for the Birren Center.

    Writing Coach at Through Your Eyes ~ Writing Your Life Stories

  • Steven Weisberg

    Steven Weisberg

    Steven Weisberg is a 2012 Birren Center GAB grad who was inspired by the themed-based structure it offered for self-reflexive memoir writing and how those life-stories came to life through oral recitation.

    “My branching out story involved the opportunity to meet Senator Robert F. Kennedy during his 1968 Presidential Campaign. Inspired by his famous quote “'Some men see things as they are, and say why. I dream of things that never were, and say why not.” I’ve spent a lifetime down that road less traveled seeking to bring new ideas to life”.

    As a member of the Birren Board, I’d like to develop working collaborations with established institutions to create welcoming partnerships to bring the inspired life work of Dr. James Birren into local communities through the network of graduates of the GAB program he created.