Our Impact

Group Class Presentation

The Birren Center brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds, who are committed to enhancing lives through writing and sharing the Guided Autobiography (GAB) experience. Our program offers opportunities for education, training, research, and information dissemination to those involved in life review, life story writing and sharing, and aging. Since 2009, we've conducted GAB instructor training courses online. To date, we've trained nearly 700 GAB instructors across 32 countries.

GAB Instructors Meeting Coffee Shop

Considering each instructor has facilitated classes in their own cultural context, the GAB process has impacted thousands worldwide. Participants not only write personal life stories but also deepen self-awareness, forge connections with diverse individuals, broaden their understanding of differences, and learn to accept and engage with others unlike themselves. In this manner, GAB fosters connections, transcends diversity, and contributes to healing our divided world.

Truly a life-changing, transformative program.

- Dana

Here's what some GAB participants have to share about their learning and personal growth:

Read the New York Times Article.

A ‘Life Review’ Can Be Powerful, at Any Age - Emily Laber-Warren - 8/29/2024

The Birren Center was mentioned in the New York Times. A life review, once primarily for the elderly, is proving to be a transformative tool for people of all ages.

Join us and discover the power and transformative potential of the GAB process.